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Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62(spe): e19190012, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055423


Abstract Sustainability, a concept used to exploit natural resources without harming future generations, is being applied to power generation. In Brazil, the main source of electric energy comes from hydroelectric plants, due to abundant water resources. However, the implementation of these plants causes irreversible impacts on the environment and society. On the other hand, the impacts caused by photovoltaic panels are considerably smaller in the construction phase and zero in the operation phase. This article describes the impacts generated by hydroelectric power plants and gives an overview of the power generated by floating photovoltaic panels using 10% of the area of the reservoirs of the largest hydroelectric power plants in Brazil. The results demonstrate a better efficiency of the photovoltaic panels in the water, which cools them, increasing their efficiency. Furthermore, photovoltaic panel power generation amount is higher than compared the annual power generation of three out of four hydroelectric plants analyzed. In addition, adding solar energy to the reservoirs would save infrastructure costs, considering that energy can be made available through substation infrastructure and existing power transmission systems.

Centrales Hidroeléctricas/efectos adversos , Fuentes Generadoras de Energía , Energía Fotovoltaica , Brasil , Desarrollo Sostenible
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 15(3): e160084, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895090


The construction of hydroelectric power plants has many social and environmental impacts. Among them, the impacts on fish communities, which habitats are drastically modified by dams, with consequences across the ecosystem. This study aimed to assess the influence of water level (WL) variations in the reservoirs of the Itá and Machadinho hydroelectric plants on the recruitment of fish species from the upper Uruguay River in southern Brazil. The data analyzed resulted from the WL variation produced exclusively by the hydroelectric plants generation and were collected between the years 2001 and 2012. The results showed significant correlations between the abundance of juvenile fish and the hydrological parameters only for some reproductive guilds. The species that spawn in nests showed, in general, a clear preference for the stability in the WL of the reservoirs, while the species that spawn in macrophytes or that release demersal eggs showed no significant correlation between the abundance of juvenile fish and hydrological parameters. A divergence of results between the two reservoirs was observed between the species that release semi-dense eggs; a positive correlation with a more stable WL was only observed in the Machadinho reservoir. This result can be driven by a wider range of WL variation in Machadinho reservoir.(AU)

A construção de usinas hidrelétricas implica em diversos impactos sociais e ambientais. Dentre esses, o impacto causado sobre a comunidade de peixes, cujos habitats são drasticamente modificados pelas barragens, causam consequências em todo o ecossistema. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da variação dos níveis de água dos reservatórios das usinas hidrelétricas de Itá e Machadinho sobre o recrutamento das espécies de peixes do alto rio Uruguai, sul do Brasil. Os dados analisados resultaram da variação de nível de água decorrente exclusivamente da operação da usina e foram coletados entre os anos de 2001 e 2012. Os resultados mostraram correlações significativas entre a abundância dos juvenis de peixes e os parâmetros hidrológicos apenas para determinadas guildas reprodutivas. As espécies que desovam em ninhos mostraram, em geral, uma clara preferência pela estabilidade do nível de água dos reservatórios, enquanto que as espécies que desovam em macrófitas ou que liberam ovos demersais não mostraram correlação significativa entre a abundância de juvenis com os parâmetros hidrológicos. Uma divergência de resultados entre os dois reservatórios foi observada entre as espécies que liberam ovos semi-densos, onde apenas no reservatório de Machadinho houve correlação positiva com a maior estabilidade do nível de água. Esse resultado pode ser motivado pela maior amplitude de variação do nível de água no reservatório de Machadinho quando comparado com o de Itá.(AU)

Animales , Ecosistema , Medición de Niveles de Agua , Peces/clasificación , Centrales Hidroeléctricas/efectos adversos
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.1): 47-60, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958127


Resumen Se describe la composición florística del manglar y la distribución espacial de las principales especies de mangle y otras especies vegetales asociadas, presentes en el sector estuarino del Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe, mediante el levantamiento de campo de 1 127 puntos y 77 parcelas de muestreo de 60x10m. Por otra parte, se explora la relación entre el tipo de sedimento subyacente y las especies de mangle establecidas sobre éste. Los resultados de composición, estructura y distribución de la vegetación del HNTS, muestran que el manglar exhibe un modelo o zonación, consistente en la variación desde la costa al continente y de las márgenes de los canales o esteros al interior de las llanuras de marea, de las distintas especies. Rhizophora racemosa y Pelliciera rhizophorae son las especies que muestran una mayor distribución espacial o distribución continua, con los mayores valores de abundancia (45.44% y el 39.92%, respectivamente), frecuencia (88.31% y 74.03%) y área de manglar (7 670.73ha y 5 824.94ha). Se confirmó la dependencia entre la presencia de especies de mangle y el tipo de sedimento del sustrato, de modo que las especies Avicennia spp. y L. racemosa tienden a distribuirse en los sustratos arenosos con mayor facilidad que las otras especies cuya distribución es más homogénea sobre los sustratos lodosos.

Abstract This research describes the floristic composition and spatial distribution of the main mangroves species and other associated flora present in the estuarine sector of Térraba-Sierpe National Wetland, Costa Rican Pacific. Field survey consists of 1 127 points and 77 sampling points of 60x10m. Results of composition, structure and distribution of mangrove in HNTS exhibits a pattern or species zonation. We found variation from the coast to mainland and from the fringe or estuaries to the interior tidal flats. The species Rhizophora racemosa and Pelliciera rhizophorae showed greater spatial and continuous distribution, with the highest values of abundance (45.44% and 39.92% respectively), frequency (88.31% and 74.03%) and mangrove area (7 670.73ha and 5 824.94ha). The mangrove fern, Acrostichum aureum, was the third most important species, meanwhile, Avicennia spp., Rhizophora mangle y Laguncularia racemosa showed a segregated distribution or a tendency to local conglomeration, Talipariti tiliaceum var. pernambucense, Mora oleifera y Conocarpus erectus were found in very localized areas and other species were considered companions with low contribution to the total coverage. The dependence was confirmed between the presence of mangrove species and sediment type substrate. The species Avicennia spp. and L. racemosa tend to be distributed in sandy substrates more easily than the other species whose distribution is more homogeneous on muddy substrates. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 47-60. Epub 2015 April 01.

Especificidad por Sustrato , Sedimentos/clasificación , Ecosistema , Estuarios/clasificación , Centrales Hidroeléctricas/efectos adversos , Rhizophoraceae/clasificación , Ambiente , Humedales , Costa Rica , Ciencias del Suelo
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 10(4): 723-730, Oct. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-654931


Turbine dewatering and stop/startup may lead to the death of tons of fish at Brazilian power dams. The Três Marias Dam (TMD) on the São Francisco River has adopted two techniques to reduce the quantity of fish, mostly mandi (Pimelodus maculatus, Pimelodidae), affected by these maneuvers. They are: (i) spill before turbine dewatering to attract fish out of the tailrace, and (ii) fish screens in the stop log slots during turbine stop/startup to prevent fish from entering the draft tube. Here, we investigated whether spill and fish screens reduced the quantity of fish affected by turbine dewatering and stop/startup at TMD. We also determined whether the biomass of mandi trapped during turbine dewatering may be predicted by turbine discharge (Q) and/or catch per unit effort (CPUE) of mandis in the tailrace. Due to insufficient statistical power, our data were inconclusive as to whether spill attracted mandi out of the tailrace. We verified that the presence of fish screens significantly reduced the biomass of dead/moribund fish during turbine stop/startup. The biomass of mandis trapped in the draft tube during turbine dewatering was mainly influenced by Q (r² = 0.67), followed by CPUE (r² = 0.49). Since the trapped fish biomass correlated negatively with Q, we recommend that Q be maximized before turbine dewatering to reduce quantity of mandi trapped in the draft tube. The information presented here may be useful for reducing the quantity of fish affected by turbine maneuvers at TMD, as well as other dams.

Drenagem e parada/partida de turbina podem provocar a morte de toneladas de peixes em usinas hidrelétricas brasileiras. A usina de Três Marias (UTM), rio São Francisco, adotou duas técnicas para reduzir a quantidade de peixes, principalmente do mandi (Pimelodus maculatus, Pimelodidae), afetada durante essas manobras. Essas são: (i) vertimento antes da drenagem de turbina para atrair peixes para fora do canal de fuga, e (ii) grades nas guias das comportas ensecadeiras durante paradas/partidas para prevenir a entrada de peixes no tubo de sucção. Neste estudo, investigamos se o vertimento e as grades reduziram a quantidade de peixes afetados durante drenagem e parada/partida de turbina na UTM. Nós também determinamos se a biomassa de mandis aprisionados em drenagem de turbina pode ser predita pela vazão da turbina (Q) e/ou pela captura por unidade de esforço (CPUE) de mandis no canal de fuga. Devido ao poder estatístico insuficiente, nossos dados foram inconclusivos se o vertimento atraiu mandis para fora do canal de fuga. Verificamos que a presença das grades reduziu significativamente a biomassa de peixes mortos/moribundos em paradas/partidas de turbinas. A biomassa de mandis aprisionada no tubo de sucção nas drenagens foi influenciada principalmente pelo Q (r² = 0.67), seguida da CPUE (r² = 0.49). Como essa biomassa foi negativamente correlacionada com Q, recomendamos que Q seja máxima antes da drenagem para reduzir a biomassa de mandis aprisionada no tubo de sucção. Acreditamos que as informações apresentadas aqui poderão ser úteis para reduzir a quantidade de peixes afetada em manobras de turbinas na UTM e outras usinas hidrelétricas.

Animales , Characiformes/crecimiento & desarrollo , Centrales Hidroeléctricas/efectos adversos , Estación Seca , Bagres/crecimiento & desarrollo , Estación Lluviosa , Biota